Saturday, February 19, 2011

Oh! The Diapers We Tried! Pt. 2

Bum Genius pocket
I enjoyed the Bum Genius pockets, though again, those polyfiber inserts that I don't care for.  Might get a couple more, sans insert, for The Man, these diapers work all right with prefolds as stuffin'.

The Gerber prefolds sold at Target, the problem with them is they're "stuffed" with poly fill (gauze) instead of extra cotton layers, so they're less absorbent than they could be.  They work fine for newborns 'cause there isn't much to absorb, but past point of newborn I only recommend them as a doubler if at all.  These did get softer and softer with every wash.  The Bumkins wrap, a wipe clean material, worked well for it's simplistic design, there are nice tabs to protect the velcro with every wash, the small size didn't fit over Baby E's chubster thighs.  Once we came close to a total blowout with the mediums I knew it was time to upsize.

I was unimpressed with their netting lining the wrap, not a wipe-clean surface like other wraps, so ended up washing them more often than I wanted, and their aplix did not react well when accidentally dried. I did however like their disposable insert, and when sitters are here, or Gary's feeling challenged by diapering they're still available for use.  Supposedly these inserts are flushable, also.

Babykicks Bumboo w/ hemp insert
I dislike the snap-over design. I tried some and when Baby E pooped it was a total mess with the flaps flopping around every.single.time. Their bamboo cotton mix lining has a terrible pill-ing problem, also. Didn't care for the hemp insert, too long to dry and seemed to smell funky too soon, nice leg gussets though.  I just used that dipe (minus insert) as a swim diaper today.

Unbleached various prefolds with Sweet Pea/Blueberry/Thirsties Duo wraps
A flannel liner for poo removal/disposal, and a newborn prefold as a doubler at night.  For versatility and economy pre-folds  Consider the methods of folding alone to accomodate different babies, consider the possibility of using pre-folds as inserts if necessary, consider that prefolds range ~$1.50-$2.75 each, add a $10 wrap that can be reused's the best.  Once my hands learned the pattern of "fold-snappi-wrap" it's quick, also.  With cotton dipes, I can rinse them a couple times and add whatever else needs to be washed without a second thought.  All my wraps are "wipe-clean" surface.  The Sweet Pea has a stretch to it, and nice deep gussets. The Blueberry coverall, my favorite nighttime wrap, never has issues covering the pre-fold, nice gussets, as well.  The Thirsties Duo I was disappointed with what they profess as a size 1 to fit up to 18# baby, did not fit Baby E, had to switch to size 2 immediately.

I have yet to try wool, though I appreciate the sustainability of it, the exclusivity of laundry looms with the idea of lanolizing, etc.  I dream of a gusseted pocket diaper made with PUL that is reclaimed plastic, a sweet natural fiber flannel/fleece next to the bum, that has it's own contoured cotton insert or will accommodate good prefold.

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