meh. Pay for something that I'm going to throw away almost immediately. And by the way, the poop really is supposed to go in the toilet, especially the real poop after baby starts eating solids.
Like most all in ones, took too long in the dryer, and I got tired of washing the entire diaper when I knew only the cloth needed it. A cute diaper though. I hear of TotsBots making an all-in-one diaper that has an easy-stuff insert and that dries easily. As I'm staying away from man-made fibers though I've yet to try one.
Neato diaper, flush and done or compostable (very cool). Cute stuff and innovative design with a "wipe-clean" snap in liner covered with cloth-like outer(g-pant). The g-pants' velcro didn't wear well. Definitely more expensive than bulk disposables. Can be used with a g-cloth insert instead of the biodegradable/flushable insert.
Fuzzi Bunz I used mostly with Miss Monkey. However, the exclusivity of the wash was annoying. Meaning: they recommend not to wash the polyfleece pockets with any natural fibers (hemp or cotton, etc.) because it causes the fleece to pill and not to wash the polyester microfiber inserts with naturals as it supposedly has adverse effect for absorbency. Either way, it was a nuisance to find a washcloth accidentally mixed in, and have fiber strings from static sticking to the inserts and the diapers.
Furthermore, when Miss Monkey learned nighttime pottying, she would argue with me in the mornings about whether her diaper was dry or not. She insisted it was still dry 'cause she couldn't feel it was wet---a drawback of the "stay dry insert". Baby E has always had a specific "I'm uncomfortable with my bottom!" cry, and now that she's on the move she'll pester me until I check and change her.
---continued with Part 2---
---continued with Part 2---
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