Saturday, February 9, 2013

Playing a little catch-up with my CARE FULL 43 diary

Day 16(today) Sat.
big SereniTea party with friends
catch up on blog : )
walking 20 with Miss J

Day 15(2/8) Fri.
meditation 10
yoga 20
volunteering for curriculum sale
hanging and chatting with dear Miss J while grocery shopping, consciously feeling big gratitudes to the women I've been blessed to have in my life, hangin' out this week
shouting and giggling for joy that God-the-universe is AWEsome, and prayer works....we are open to receive exactly what we intended with The House, the situation perfectly suited to our particular financial status

Day 14(2/7) Thurs.
began with prayer
what a gorgeously wonderful day, such a huge difference from the day before, I feel SO much better, thank goodness for afternoon naps!
We hung with friends all day (see Day's Work post) laughing and chatting and eating yummy healthy foods. Gratefully M'n'crew stay around while The Man and I perused the interior of a house we'd already checked out neighborhood.  He gifts me an (actual) book of poetry. Later, girls were wasted tired, bedded down early, I got to hang with Miss M in her Send Out Cards Valentine Brownie Party.
Oh Happy Healthy Days

Day 13(2/6) Wed.
Totally shot through with ichky-ness. Barely conscious it seems (though I've felt worse).
long rest in the afternoon, then trucked Miss Monkey to her gymnastics class and gratefully headed to a meeting, felt better afterward per usual.
Arriving home I opened a SOC box and found inside the sweetest card with brownies from my Indonesian Pen Pal---wow!  too too sweet and fun, and what a supernice surprise.

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