The week went as intended, with little to no resistance from Miss Monkey and only one serious outburst from Toddleator E. I'm glad activities were layering through the past couple of weeks rather than all at once, that would've been overwhelming. Completed beginning Language Arts stories, though I may have to adapt for her advanced nature with writing, and get the key word journal set up proper. Mid-week will probably be a Home day in entirety because as the first week was an indication we'll really need the break from running about on Monday & Tuesday. Here's to intention that we'll be successful keep it "sacred" so to speak.
Toddleator started with the Enrichment Center which she calls, "Mine school! wiff Mine Friends!" A few hours that Firstborn and I get to spend together alone, maybe adventuring, maybe hangin' at the library. And I have to add a Wow! to our local library system, can drop books at any county library, and check them out as well with the same card---Cool!
Miss Gymnast-Monkey had her very first official USAG meet this weekend. She was crushed that she didn't win a thing. Tough competition with almost 100 other little girls all doing the same routine, some of them doing the same level the second year, I understand. But F, she doesn't understand yet. I knew it was coming, and I knew it would be dramatic. She still hasn't asked about her scores, and I'm not going to bring it up unless she wants to start down that path. We did video her so she could see her performance. She works so hard, and all of a sudden it was "I hate meets! I don't wanna do gymnastics anymore." All in her processing, it came out as somewhat beligerent emotional vomiting on the way home. We decided to let her sleep on it and then re-visit as needed. And I'll have to search for children's books that address via storyline the aspects of competition, win or lose.
Happy weekend!
: )
she really was happier than she looks |
happy girl! |
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