Monday, August 20, 2012

I am not perfect

I make mistakes.... leaving my bag, complete with keys, in The Man's truck, causing a chain reaction that would make my Miss Monkey really late to practice and harry the rest of my afternoon.  Grateful for friendly retired neighbors! procrastinating purchase of a watch/HRM (or means to carry my cellular device) to have my own timekeeping on a long run, not paying enough attention to where I was, trailing behind my runner-buddy...thereby making myself incredibly late back to the house, infuriating The Man, and narrowly getting Monkey to practice on time.  Rather a sad comedy as I tried to run back to the truck, having exercise-induced asthma the whole way. inadvertently should-ing on my friends, and letting my extroversion overshadow my manners.

I am getting more comfortable in my human-ness by degrees.  At least I don't berate myself endlessly anymore!

Today I am mommin' with chi'ren that are illin', meaning both Booger & Stinkums are experiencing fevers and congestion.  We are home bound.  The New Schedule was to begin today, delayed a day? maybe two?

May my interwebz connection not dominate my day (there is housework to do), may I remember that it's not their fault they're feeling crappy (they don't isolate and hide like I do when ill), and may I remember empathy and compassion more so today than any other (really our problems aren't so big).  For some that may be natural---empathy is something I've been learning since Miss Monkey was born, and compassion has been a lesson for myself first, reconciled with what I had for others more so than my self.  Love & Learn.

So it goes.
Happy day!
: )  <3 p="p">

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