Finally getting around to writing a bit today, not sure how it took this long. Couldn't figure why I'm so sleepy then remembered that I've been up since about 5am with my attempt at working out, thwarted by a wide-awake Toddleator E...probably 'cause I left the alarm (read: phone) downstairs. I thought that it'd help me wake up having to head downstairs to get the alarm, but instead it went off for ~15 minutes and most likely awakened She-Who-Is-Loudest-When-YOU-Are-Sleeping. Even after she proclaimed, "I done sweeping, mama!" I still made an attempt to get her to settle back in. Alas! Alack, all for naught! (lamentation & tragedy!)
So, I didn't go outside to ride or run like I imagined I would, I didn't go swim at the gym in the beautiful early dawn....I lay on the couch cuddling for a few minutes before, "Mama, I'ne hunngreee."
So began the day. By the time our impromptu picnic in the artist's studio was complete I must've had the Thousand Yard Stare (you know the stare that shows, they've been in the sh*t), The Man asks me, "Are you okay?" I knew it must be almost 8pm as is typically when my Mommin' battery starts to wear down.
It was a lovely standard day, with gym, errands, home for lunch and pool, baths, quiet time, and then ballet, errand for LOViNTee before home again. Eating well and feeling great!
More tomorrow, for now, I need rest.
Happy evening!
: ) <3
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