I have a challenging, tenacious, outspoken five year old
daughter. It was her first summer day
camp and she was having some problems adjusting. One night after a trying day, an idea
occurred to me, to tape affirming adjectives to her pajamas as she
slept…”calm”, “respectful”, “cooperative”, “loving”. I had just learned about Masaru Emoto’s work
with positive & negative phrases and water crystals. I figured, well, humans are mostly water it
couldn’t hurt to try it.
It was as if a switch flipped. She awoke her sweet self the next morning and
had very good days at camp thereafter.
With this success I ruminated on the idea. Our homeschool co-op utilizes The Family
Virtues Guide of The Virtues Project. Taking this as inspiration to my
adjective idea a strike of mental lightning gave me my first three or so
word-triplet designs. It had to be “I
AM” statements, adjectives that are interrelated and would aid me to be my Best
Once I had the matured concept on the brain, it wouldn’t
leave me alone. I love a soft, quality
tee-shirt with a stylish pair of jeans, my mommy uniform. If that shirt were to help me, “Patient,
Loving, Kind,” with my daily endeavors to raise human beings AND if my dynamic
daughter will wear a comfy tee that states, for instance “Peaceful, Respectful,
Cooperative”, making my mommin’ even a little easier—I am all for it!
Of course, with all of this I became compelled to share this success with others. After some tribulation with the How to get it done, I settled on hand stenciling the shirts. Until I receive a massive order, I will enjoy the total customization possibilities, and the artistry of it all (I have had to begrudgingly admit I am an artist).
So, here we are.
Joyfully moving forward on this new adventure! This is LOViNTee, positively wearable.
the booth! |
the table and design book |
Logo on back of tees |
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