Tuesday, November 1, 2011


It'a 6:30 AM and my hands smell like play-dough. Trick-or-Treating was a success. Up and down a couple blocks and R2D2 battery was wearing down. It was hard to stop--what other time of year do we dress up crazy, knock on doors, and get such good will? Miss Leia Monkey had a full pumpkin bucket, and we know that's more than enough.
Today is candy day, 1. Whatever is left over tomorrow will be donated, 2. Candy can be consumed after decent protein meal, 3. If candy travels with child it must be shared with others.
Sugar is like crack for children. Ever notice the noise level in childcare places goes way up the day or two after Halloween?  It's the Sugar DeTox.   Bless all care givers, tell them "Thank You".
An amendment to this, as he came home that day, though most of the candy was gone anyway, Miss Monkey was lamenting that she couldn't eat it all before the donation day.  The Man decided it wasn't the best idea, promoting gluttony in a fashion.  So, we went with the original idea, that it's her candy and she can do with it what she wants, eating it as she sees fit.  Though I requested that she at least try to eat something with salt and protein before consuming too too much.  All turned out all right, no super crazy tantrums thank goodness.

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