I grew a pepper! And a few tomatoes the plants of which are still outside covered with a sheet. Hoping we might have more warm sunshine weather just enough to red up the green 'maters, thinkin' that is a real stretch though. My plants fruited so late, at least 3 weeks after I heard everyone else talking about their tomatoes. I figure they'll hang in the garage for a bit in hopes for more red-dy fruit. The herbs did really well, now it's time to dry and store them away.
One day soon I will have a real yard garden, bursting with gorgeous veggies in the fall. Maybe even room enough for a fruit tree or two.
All growth is miraculous, plant a seed an it provides.
Having run off together through Mexico and points beyond, then living on 3 of Hawaii's islands, we have moved to Beauteous Colorado. Adventuring about, experiencing everything fully. Our family of five, frolicking famously here for friends, family & foundlings.
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