Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Anther taste of t'other side.  Monday morning, a tight schedule. Get kiddos up earlier than normal, get'em fed (which meant transferring oatmeal into baggies for "squeezie-packs" in the car), get'em in the car with everything we need for the morning, rush to The Man's office to pick item up, rush to get Miss Monkey to HSC (though we're early and that's nice 'cause I needed to skip to grocery and procure eats for her lunch), rush then to the focus group meeting I'd been tapped to do, meet with young friend to temp as nanny for 90 minutes, jet up the elevator and arrive precisely at 9am.  When it turns out they don't need me, I relax some with said young friend at the coffee shop while Toddleator E wanders about saying, "Hiii" to people.  And all I could think was, "wow, some people sign up for this kind of race every day of the week....not I."  Just another reinforcement to freedom of homeschooling.

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