Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Stair Climber!

Up she went, Baby E.  Proud as proud can be, grinning baby-teeths the whole way.  Then excitedly reaching the top of the stairs, headed to the playroom finding Miss Monkey already in state of play.

I remember when the elder one started stair climbing, I was struck by the sudden quiet of downstairs in Maui house.  When I looked for her she was no where to be found.  I heard something upstairs, and there I found her, plumply plopped playing as if it was nothing new at all.  I went straight away to get baby-gates, then when The Man arrived home that evening we both were proud to show off (mini)Monkey's new skill.  So, for fun, I dug up F's vid.


When E wakes from nap, we'll get a vid of her as well.   Proud Momma *sigh*.  Babies aren't babies for long.

1 comment:

  1. Soooo cute! It's amazing to see the video of little F and then the vid of E with big, er, bigger F. I love that! Little E sure has it down! She's been scootin up a storm. Thanks for sharing, love.



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