I was awake at 3ish this morning so excited for Groundhog Day! "I kid! I'm a kidder."
Lay there considering I might head to the gym to get the long workout in I need to, but I really prefer to wait until 4 to get up. Of course, I dozed off, Baby E awake at 5, nursing then she's back down...then it's too late to attempt early morning workout 'cause The Man leaves earlier than he used to, besides, it's a long one today.
And yesterday, began with such great intentions I was on track to hit the gym and then we head out for the rest of our busy-busy Tuesday.
Little girl gave me so much flack about what she needs to wear in this frigid weather we are delayed such that it's time for baby's morning nap...
and when the baby wakes we head to monkey's gymnastics class...
I figure, well, consequence is that she won't get to story time today as I need to put E down for nap reasonable time and hit the gym late shift at 4, it's a "short" workout so I'd be able to make it home to get dinner in order and baby in bed on time...
but then E doesn't wake again until after 4, by that time dinner's pressing as is baby's feeding/play/bed time...
I'm left wondering if I should goto gym at 7:30p, and I already know I wouldn't get to sleep until >>12a if I do that, which in turn would throw off today.
I relent and do yoga. And I will start my day with yoga today, keep my Self centered, things always so more smoothly when I'm up before the offspring.
Little girl gave me so much flack about what she needs to wear in this frigid weather we are delayed such that it's time for baby's morning nap...
and when the baby wakes we head to monkey's gymnastics class...
I figure, well, consequence is that she won't get to story time today as I need to put E down for nap reasonable time and hit the gym late shift at 4, it's a "short" workout so I'd be able to make it home to get dinner in order and baby in bed on time...
but then E doesn't wake again until after 4, by that time dinner's pressing as is baby's feeding/play/bed time...
I'm left wondering if I should goto gym at 7:30p, and I already know I wouldn't get to sleep until >>12a if I do that, which in turn would throw off today.
I relent and do yoga. And I will start my day with yoga today, keep my Self centered, things always so more smoothly when I'm up before the offspring.
I'm beginning to think maybe it'd be better to start "real" training when baby drops the morning nap, but that's is months away, and I want to race this summer.
when you figure it out let me know! I am 16mos post birth of Alex, and I still can't figure it out. Even during naptime, Im always doing something else....Ugh.