Monday, May 4, 2009

Birthday Buzz

It was quiet this weekend. My face was reacting severely to the mango encounter I wasn't really into going OUT. We shopped bikes for Fiona, Gary made a cake (his first attempt at a layer cake), hung out and watched movies for my day.
Then today Fiona was SO excited she asked for her cake first thing this morning. She played outside with her bike for most of the morning. Then we took her birthday money to Jillie Beans Toys to spend wisely, shared a burrito, went to playground, ate ice pops, & watched BOLT. Gary came home, there were chicken tacos, homemade salsa, the pink cake with purple icing, and of course, finally, some presents. Simple, sweet, and easy. Fiona was completely exhausted, having no nap today, went to bed early. Some photos and we'll call it a day. :)

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