Thursday, October 2, 2008

Squirrel v. Dinosaur

I glanced outside our kitchen window and see this outer-Denver squirrel working over a small item out on the deck railing. Not a nut, it was taking too long for Squirrely to munch....

Look closer, look even's bright appears's a tiny lime green squishy dinosaur, the club tail species with armored head/neck/back. Squirrel-NUTtykins is doing his chewiest chewing to detached said tail from dinosaur.

And then later, I suppose Chewy needed a breather.... (and some Toddleator finger painting at the end---not with the squirrel)

I've forgotten to relay (without the proper segue it's useless), also, that I saw a squirrel last winter drag an abandoned dessicated hamburger up a was after the first snow, Fiona & I were on our way to Music Together class. Tres Bizarre.
A few minutes later I checked the squirrel-chewing-dinosaur status, both squirrel and dino had vanished. A day or so later, Fiona comes toddling up, "foundt dinosaawer mommie!" Of course I immediately washed it as best I could until such time as lime-green dinosaur could be spirited away without conflict.

Speaking of dinosaurs, we hit the Nature & Science museum a couple of weekends ago, and the Gem & Mineral Show. Fiona had a ball checking out the great displays at the museum and just as much fun gathering up crystals, looking for fossils, and panning for gold at the Mineral Show.

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