Wednesday, February 29, 2012

All Cleansed!

This weekend was the end of the cleanse.  Some additional observations:

  • energy level completely evened out, other than sleepy days when someone or other is up late at night, my energy level throughout the day is predictably pleasantly steady.  I am free of caffeine's shackles--not that I minded them that much, but it's nice to feel free of it.
  • hormonal shifts were very apparent, and feeling unusually tired I figured I needed a little extra iron which I found in spoonful of molasses, extra spinach, plus a multi-vitamin.
  • according to a Juice Plus lecture at a luncheon, the body needs 8 hours sleep to detox the day's absorption, which might explain why I had little or no inclination to workout for the past 3 weeks.  I was simply called away from exercise, as if my body needed the healing time.
  • no dairy? no problem (surprising!), while I really enjoy cheese, finding that I can live without it has been nice.  I figure we'll buy the good cheeses less often from here on out.  
  • We need a really nice blender/food processor.
  • happily using the CostCo membership effectively makes the shopping easier and makes the eating NINE servings of fruits and veggies through the day more manageable.
Noticed how pleasurable it's has been to eat everything, I do mean everything.  We're enjoying our food more on several levels.
Happy Day!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


We are out of Kale!
Who would ever have thought that lack of kale would constitute a small emergency?
Not I.

Check this out:

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Dirt Soup b.k.a. Alkinizing Broth

When I was little, playing outside I would make soup with leaves, wild garlic, acorns, sticks, and different soils for seasoning. Something I have always loved about soups, creating a bowl of warm nourishment from water and a few choice ingredients.  This past week or or so I have made luscious lentil soup, kick azz chicken curry stew, and a beautiful black bean soup.  I have learned not to rely on salt as the "go to" spice, none of those bountiful bowls had any added salt.
It's rather comforting to make "wild" soup for real as an adult. This is the Alkinizing Broth we are to have for afternoon snack...didn't start as much, but ended as a filling, energizing hot drink.
Happy Day!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Phase 1: Cleanse Day 5(6)

Some observations from the past few days:
The siren song of the macaroni & cheese with peas was almost too much to bear.  I'm really aware now of how I would taste here and there of what I cook.  Toddleator E's turkey dogs smell so wonderful, and when I licked a finger it was so lovely.  One night, the plate of apples, cheese, and turkey for Miss Monkey was very inviting.  I do so miss cheese!  She did very much enjoy the shrimp in the stir fry.  It's been a treat eating really tasty food that looks pretty, too.

My energy levels throughout the day have been steady, unless I'm on shorter sleep from a later than usual evening.  I've been sleeping well, waking easily, though I plan to wake earlier as I rev up the training.  I have to train otherwise I can't race.  There is a bike trainer on it's way to me right now, pretty exciting to coordinate with The Man to bike/run in the mornings while chi'ren are sleeping.

Most interesting, I think is the new silence in my thoughts regarding what I eat vs. workouts.  A gymnamom brought homemade cinnamon rolls one morning.  I realized my cravings for sugar have subsided such that I didn't even consider eating one, they looked pretty tasty but I had not the slightest inkling to actually eat one.  In the same moment I also realized there was silence in my thoughts around whether or not I needed to get to the gym myself that morning.  I was completely serene, and it dawned on me that because I'd been eating so well the tape had shut down.  I no longer need to berate myself for what I'm eating or not eating---Victory!
A few weeks ago I would try to time my meal and my workout that I'd have energy but not starve myself.  I can workout anytime now because my energy levels don't wax & wane through the day---now, if we get the logistics figured out, it'll be golden!

p.s. I do miss coffee, too, that wonderful hot cuppa in the morning, or decaf in the afternoon.  I miss the taste and smell.  For now, lemon water with cayenne as been warming enough before the daily breakfast smoothie.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A weeknight.
"Miss Monkey, your food is on the table."
I proceed to eat my dinner, along with Toddleator E, and 25 minutes later the Firstborn's food is untouched.
"Your food will be on the table for 20 more minutes," while explaining what that looks like on the clock facing the table where she sits.

Time elapses as I hit the kitchen duty, I watch the clock.  Time is up, I go to the table and remove her plate.
Oh, but she's "not fed", she's "still hungry", "this is bullsh*t!", "you're not my momma!"...later after she's in her room, more "sh*t" and creative insults thrown about.  Some banging and thrashing occur.  I offer her a empathetic hug, she refuses, she's just too too angry with me.  I prepare the Smaller of The Two for bed.
The Man was late coming home last night, soon after I greet him at the door he can hear the lamentable screaming and cursing emanating from Miss Monkey's room.

Eventually she quiets because she passes out.  Later I try to assist her to get into pajamas but she refuses, thrashing at me in her sleep.  Of course, she's awake at some silly hour scoping food in the pantry, then ends up asleep on the couch, where we found her this morning with a jar of peanut butter.  Consequence today that she's been less than pleasant and has to take a nap before gymnastics. Oh, and when The Man heard her insulting me he decided to enforce the "no sweet things out, no sweet things in" rule...for the next 4 days (and then some with what I heard enforcing rest time).

Last night was fairly easy, but today has been hard because I was awake last night as well.  Tired mommas do not parent well, we resort to yelling.  I do not like to yell. At the same time I loathe to be on the recieving end of crappy behavior while everyone else outside gets to see the sweet-girl (save her coaches, that is), and when I've had enough, I have had enough.  It's progress, not perfection though---and I have progressed so very far.  Here I go, growing forward.

And when she wakes from nap, she's a different person. Sweet and cooperative, easy going nature returned.  The evening ends amicably after gymnastics and dinner, she's back to "normal".


Phase I: Cleanse Day 1.5

Diet from the Latin dieta meaning "way of living".  I've never ever been a "dieter".  The way we ate was okay, but not ideal. So now were in dieta boot camp.

I am so very glad that I weaned myself off all the bread and sugar last week, rather than go cold turkey this week.  I guess I didn't realize how much bread, dairy, and sugar I was eating.  Monday through Sunday last week I totaled 3 pieces of baguette, 1 small square of cheddar, 1slice homemade whole wheat toast, 1 ancient grain tortilla, then 2 slices of pizza(with cheese and veggies), partial almond-cranberry muffin's top, and then cheese on the chicken nachos for Superbowl Sunday.  As for sugar, I cut it completely out, save a couple pieces of dark chocolate, and 3 Samoa cookies post-nacho.  The rest of my calories were all fibrous green stuffs, nuts, lean (or mostly lean as we were cleaning out the fridge) proteins and a few corn chips.

I did have a sneaking headache the first 2 days of the weaning, and was convinced I was terribly hungry though I think it was my body's reaction to the almost total lack of carbohydrates...especially dairy, gawd I love my yogurt and cheeses.  By Wednesday last I leveled out nicely, and felt cravings dissipate while my energy level was consistent throughout the day.  I have noticed that when I am hungry, the gap between the initial hunger trigger and going into blood-sugar crash, is longer.  So, that's a plus.  I am not starving myself, I eat when I'm hungry. But what I'm eating has been locked down to a very few things in order to cleanse the whole system out.  I (rather my husband who stood and asked) got a bead on how much more I should be eating with endurance training.  The answer was 1/2 again as much as called for (i.e. 25 almonds means ~37 for endurance training).  Thus far the recipes have been lovely.  I especially enjoyed the Kale Salad, and the Super-Green smoothie has been great to start the day.  Instead of coffee, I've been enjoying (yes, enjoying) hot water with 1/2 a lemon juiced + a liberal pinch of cayenne.  Very warming for the morning, and not dehydrating.

The shopping was done in a marathon 3.5 hour span with trips to CostCo and Sunflower Market, yet we both agreed that we'll have to start frequenting Vitamin Cottage.  This week has been pretty breezy, no headache, no energy lags, though I do have to keep on top of what I have about me for snacking.  It's an adjustment logistically. 

The small people have not been coerced into eating the same as The Man and I, it wouldn't be fair.  There is some trickle down effect---last night's kid dinner was salmon rolled in ancient grain tortilla with edamame side.  I'm so excited to get the cleanse done though, and start Phase II introducing items slowly to see how the body responds.  Plus, I got the Rouse's cookbook as well, and happy to get going with Miss Monkey on the kid recipes in it.  The Man & I both miss cheese and yogurt a whole lot.

All in all, Mission Optimum Wellness is a green for go-go-go.

Kale Salad

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Optimum Wellness

What is it?  Wellness is a choice.  A couple of weeks ago I remarked to a friend that if someone would hand me all the tools to completely makeover our pantry, I'd be totally into eating cleaner and more sustainably.  My Loving Husband and I attended a Wellness Event hosted by Dr. James Rouse, where we were handed the tools to do just this.  Complete with menu, shopping list, recipes, and explanations for both phases one of which is a gentle 3 week cleanse.  I picked up the Rouses' cook book as well, Colorado Fit Kitchen, it's beautifully loaded with good for you food.
So, for the first few days both The Man and I have been without flour products, dairy, and sugar of any kind.

It's challenging...and I'm hungry.
In fact, I'm hungry often enough in the past 3 days to wonder if there isn't something awry with my metabolic process/blood sugar/insulin.  I'll be checking in here to chronicle this adventure and it's affects with triathlon training, yoga practice, parenting, and the rest.

My favorite quote from Dr. Rouse;
"Every time you eat is an opportunity to show your [body] love."