Tuesday, August 19, 2008

MOVING as an Olympic Event?

Our move is done. I think in the future, entertainment value will be assigned to everyday endurance events, like moving with a Toddleator in tow. There might be an entirely separate olympics for moms, classified by number and ages of children, challenge level based on amount of time for planning. Each mom given a task of certain level to complete, judged by the timely-ness and smoothness of transition, and condition of children upon completion. Howzat for challenging?
I have also fantasized about TriathMOM races, for moms with preschoolers, racing with the kids, moving them through transition. Must arrange for childcare for the swim, then plopped in a trailer for bike, and transferred to jogger for the run, all while trying to ensure that child is safe and happy...wouldn't THAT be fun and interesting???

The entire move was real smooth, actually. Fiona handled it very well I think, in part due to my talking about it waaay ahead of time, and not letting things pile up in the last days. I succeeded in taking it all a bit at a time, having somewhat of a schedule of packing. We were on paper plates and frozen foods in the last days, cooking out of only one pan. NO complaints about the movers either, if you're thinking of moving to/from CO, or northern Denver area, MOVING CONNECTION is super. Cost-effective, the guys were respectful, professional, and careful. Gary & I were both impressed. It was such a different experience from the last movers from CA to CO.
More to come sooner or later, I simply must get some exercise this morning before it's too hot!